Paul 4th June 2024

Hi Dad, For some reason this never posted 3 weeks ago Well here we are at the end of my first week at the new job, not a full week, but 4 days. It went ok if truth be told, could of been worse. New uniform looks a bit official but its ok. And check this out I never got lost, I was shocked myself. Aiden done his first disco on his own on Thursday this week you would of been so proud of him he went and smashed it, he was a little worried but he done it bless him. Riley came and done my one with me but got shy, but I will get him there. Riley is having a football trial as a new club on Saturday. Clare has really upset that she has had to change her hours at work to do the school run, but I'm sure she will increase them again soon :) Freddie got upset this week, we know he is missing you lots just like us all, he got worried as he's not sure what job he wants to do when he's older........... Ralphie is just running around at 300 MPH like always The boys have a week off now for half term, where you would have been up with us having a BBQ