Sharon 16th June 2024

Hello Dad, Happy Father’s Day – I really wish that I could say that to you for real. It makes me so sad when I look at your photo and realise that you are not here with us. I was going to ring and tell you that I missed the car’s MOT, but managed to get in booked in the day after I realised – it passed! I bought my Tour de France magazine at Tesco’s and was in tears as it was something that we used to talk about and enjoy together, I still haven’t managed to put up the route map which I am sure I will need to do soon as it will be starting – I haven’t even checked the start date and only know that it isn’t finishing in Paris this year due to the Olympics. Nige said he and Mum will have to watch it so they can talk about it with me. I have been thinking of the time that we went and was hoping that we could all go again. We went up to stay with Kathryn at May half term, we left at 6.10am and managed to get there just after 11am – brilliant for us! Not long after we had arrived and was having a cuppa, a deer arrived in their garden and then sheltered from the rain by the trees at the bottom of their garden - I was going to ring you and tell you and then realised that I couldn’t. We had a great time there and ended up staying an extra night. The trip back took its usual 6 hours though. Isobel has been struggling lately. She is angry at the Race for Life adverts as the Dad in the advert survives. I know exactly how she feel and can’t believe that a year ago I was running for you. I am too finding it all really hard at the moment. There are some really painful moments when I realise that you aren’t coming back to us, we can’t talk to you, hug you (Noah is always upset about this). The kids are always asking me why did it happen to you? I am really miss and your lovely smile. Love you Dad. xx