Paul 15th July 2024

Hi Dad, Yet another week gone. Been an OK week apart from talking to a mate who I saw yesterday and he was telling me his dad passed away the day before, it brought so many memories back, flashbacks to seeing you in the hospital bed, you pulling me down to put my head on you and you telling me " I have to step up" I'm trying to do that for you. It brought back so much in a space of 30 seconds. Clare has some bloody annoying cough, its not COVID she has checked, keeps her, me and most of the Island awake at night times. Aiden as been back to the lifeboat, and we are awaiting his GCSE mocks to see what we need t work on and help him through it. Riley played a tournament on the mainland again this weekend he scored a goal and I think they came 3rd, not to bad, I wasn't allowed to go Riley said Freddie is still doing Mrs H on the weekends, and he is plodding along, we had a meeting to his current school and his new one to make sure everything is in place for the moving up. He wants to go out for dinner on his birthday in fact he gets 2 dinners as he wants to take a friend a week later Ralphie has started with Mrs H now for half an hour also now just to try and help him along and we are hoping to move him school after September. And me well I have started to run from the Hover to the train station at the hard just to try and keep a little fitter, really I'm doing it so I can have my Chinese takeaway on a Friday. Mum popped over to see Sharon at the weekend, well a long weekend so will pop in and see her and cut the grass this week someone. Speak again soon, we all love and miss you xxxxx