Hi grandad, haven’t spoke to you in a while I hope all is good up there and that you sipping away at moonshine, nice and relaxed.
Today i had a maths paper which is like a pre exam ready for our proper ones which are in just over 40 school days and I’m cacking it but I’m sure I will be alright. And you will be very glad to know that I passed, the first ever l maths exam I have passed and I’m super chuffed about it.
Life has been a bit of a struggle lately, but I have been to see some people and some are helping and some are js pompous twits but oh well, I’m slowly getting there.
The Bournemouth lot came down for half term but I didn’t really see them other than 2 days as I had work and then I was seeing Lily, my girlfriend, but I was told that Noah got upset and nanny wanted to see me which I haven’t seen her in a while, but I’m going to start seeing her more often I hope.
Not a day goes past that I don’t miss you and still wish you was here with us all today.
I love you lots and lots like jelly tots and miss you tremendously
I will speak to you soon
I love you :)
26th February 2025
Hi Dad, I’ve just got in from a disco, a bit of a hard one tonight, but we carry one. I’ve been off work for a few weeks after chopping my ankle bone, it’s a bit sore tonight.
Everyone is ok, here just plodding on, as best we can. Starting to get busy with the disco ls again, keep saying it’s going to be my last year at it.
It’s been half term this week, aiden has a new job, coaching football and has been busy with that m, and seeing his girlfriend.
Riley has had a friend and he has been around there had dinner with them.
Freddie, well just being Freddie. And Ralphie well keeps being “board” his words.
Clare has been working during the half term not that she likes it though.
I always wonder what your doing, if you’re watching over us, I’m sure you are, keeping us all safe. If your with Nan and Ken going over old times.
Night night love you xxx
22nd February 2025
Hello Dad, A very belated Happy New Year - it makes me so sad to be starting another year without you. We went to Center Parcs for Nigel’s 50th which was great fun, we toasted you with moonshine and I had some tears. I think you would have really liked it there as we had deer in the lodge garden and there’s no light pollution (you could see loads of stars) but they did have a Christmas light display to go and look at.
It will be my 50th next month and I am finding it hard to think about what to do which doesn’t stop it coming but makes me think of my 40th when we went to Lanzarote. We have the photo of you messing around under the wonky pagoda up on the sideboard. I also remember the way you and Mum fell asleep in the lounge area both of you had your heads dropped to your chins and people were laughing as they went by. I can’t believe that is 10 years ago!
Another week of school and it is February half term! Paul’s birthday is on Friday and then 3 weeks today we find out which school Isobel will be going to. Time flies.
I love you and miss you every day. Watch over us all. XXX
10th February 2025