Sharon 26th April 2024

Hi Dad, I can’t believe that it has been six long months without you. It doesn’t seem real. It’s a shock when I look at your photos and realise that you aren’t here. We enjoyed the Norway cruise, Olden was beautiful, we went up on the sky lift to the top of the mountain – the views were amazing and the ship looked so small. There was pristine white snow up there which you would have loved. We did hire a sledge for an hour – in honour of you – I couldn’t leave the snow without sledging, it wouldn’t have been right and I know that you would have gone sledging! We had great time sledging in Los Altos, you would get us out of bed at 10pm and meet Graham in the park – great fun (used to have do dodge the trees though!). Mum looked the part on her Birthday wearing a 75th Birthday sash and tiara – “Queen Susan “ Hilary called her. We all really wished that you were there with us, we played Rummikub in the Crow’s nest and knew you would have loved doing that. Noah had his 8th Birthday, we got him an archery set, which we know you would have enjoyed playing with him and that you would hit the bullseye! We all still miss you and Noah only said this morning that he wants to give you a hug and kiss (as do I). Take care Dad, Love you always. XXX