Paul 28th April 2024

Hey Dad, A little late but it is a Sunday. This week was 6 months since you left I really can't understand it, I still cant understand why, just why. Not a day goes by when we all don't think about you and talk about you. The boys are all OK, Aiden has been away to watch his friend play football on Saturday and to the LB today A weekend of no football for Riley, but he did go to Clare's mum house for the I know right!! Ralphie, yes still being a little shit, but loving going out on his bike Freddie, has started to do a bit of DJ-ing in the doghouse, he loves it, I know you would say its OK as he is reading the name of the songs, just like you used to get me to do Clare, just like us all is still finding this so hard, I just wished she would speak to the Hospice. Spoke to Graham today, he has been finding it hard the past week and like us all gets really upset. I just wish I could turn back time, I kick myself for not staying that night in the Hospice with you, but I know that is your way of saying something, not sure what it is but I know :) Love you xxxxx