Hi Dad, I often wonder what your doing up there? We all went to see Graham & Karen last week, Mum came along also, WOW what a long drive that is, even longer when you take the wrong turningsssss. I can see why you liked it up there, really nice place, all that was missing was you, just never felt right but we got through it Aiden, Riley & Freddie drove the boat, all had fun Riley was a bit like me on the motor bike, full speed ahead, worried us all even Graham, lol. Clare, well she thought she was going to sink and wanted to get off the boat in the middle of the sea, but it was funny Ralphie stayed at home with Mum & Karen drinking his special Moonshine for you, we all had some on the first night, Karen had a few more than me and Mum. Over all a nice relaxed few days just a shame you could not be there, but I know you were looking over us Work is going Ok up early but its OK, a few days I have been late home due to hover not running, but we are working around it Speak again soon love you lots