Paul 16th September 2024

Well another week or so has gone by, lots has happened. First off really exciting news, Aiden pass his power boat level 2 this means he can now drive a power bot up to 40ft on his own, he is well happy. Riley played football yesterday and won managers player award Ralphie had a party yesterday, his school is closing next year, but we all had an idea that was going to happen Freddie is doing well at the new school and seems to be happy there..... at the moment Clare is ok but in a bit of pain with her hip, I keep telling her to go to the doctors Me, I'm ok, a strange think last week at a disco I was playing a song "man I fell like a woman" and there was a chair next where I set up, never a chair there, Im sure I could feel you sat there. I'm planning on getting anew set up, I know you would say, do I really need it.... yes I do :) Mum was upset last week, as it would have been your wedding anniversary and this week is Aiden's 16th Birthday, I know right, it's ok Clare has saved you a place at the table xxx Until next time Dad, miss you so much, we all do, a really hard few weeks coming up now